Friday 4 February 2011

Six Nations Rugby 2011 live Match Schedule

The Six Nations Rugby tournament is probably the second biggest Rugby competition after the Rugby World Cup. Played between northern hemisphere national teams from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France and Italy. The 6 Nations was previously known as the 5 Nations (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France) and originally as the Home Nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland) starting way back in 1883.

Involving some of the oldest grudge matches in Rugby the 6 Nations seems to thrive on exciting, physical Rugby. As well as the 6 Nations title itself there are also several smaller prizes played during the course of the Six Nations the most famous of which being the Calcutta Cup played between England and Scotland

Six Nations 2011 Schedule

All UK time - Add 1 hour for France and Italy

RBS Six Nations Fixture Schedule 2011

Friday 4th February - Wales v England - 7.45pm
Saturday 5th February - Italy v Ireland - 2.30pm
Saturday 5th February - France v Scotland - 5pm
Saturday 12th February - England v Italy - 2.30pm
Saturday 12th February - Scotland v Wales - 5pm
Sunday 13th February - Ireland v France - 3pm

19/20 February Free

Saturday 26th February - Italy v Wales - 2.30pm
Saturday 26th February - England v France - 5pm
Sunday 27th February - Scotland v Ireland - 3pm

5/6 March Free

Saturday 12th March - Italy v France - 2.30pm
Saturday 12th March - Wales v Ireland - 5pm
Sunday 13th March - England v Scotland - 3pm

Saturday 19th March - Scotland v Italy - 2.30pm
Saturday 19th March - Ireland v England - 5pm
Saturday 19th March - France v Wales - 7.45pm

Six Nations Week 1 Roundup
What a brilliant weekend of Rugby, I've got to admit that there was far more ball in hand rugby than what I was expecting. Of course just like every first weekend of the Six Nations there were plenty of errors in each game but it all looks good for some free flowing rugby later on in the tournament. In the games Ireland were a little stodgy against Italy who themselves battled hard. England were impressive against Wales although even the most die hard English fan would have to admit the game was won when Wales were rightly down to 14 men. The importance of discipline in the international game shone through once again. The final game of the weekend saw France looking dangerous against a solid Scottish team. It was nice to see France on their game from the very beginning of the Six Nations. Player of the weekend had to be Mathieu Bastareaud, the 18 stone French center. He looked unstoppable and his second try against Scotland was awesome.

Six Nations Week 2 Roundup
Another weekend of superb Rugby action. I'll get what was by far the worst game of the weekend out of the way first, England vs Italy. After the excitement of Saturday and Englands improved form against Wales the previous week this one was a shocker. Italy were much improved but even so nothing could hide the total lack of ambition from an England team that were happy to kick the ball in a completely aimless fashion time after time. France vs Ireland on the other hand was full of fast paced ball in hand Rugby. Well I say ball in hand but in Ireland's case it was much more ball falling out of hand, I don't think I can recall so many knock-ons from one team in a game. France were in top form and have surely got to be favourites for a grand slam with England being the only other possible Grand Slam nation. Bastareaud was in ominous form once again, showing a little more to his game including setting up a try and some hard hitting tackling. Ireland were below par for them but I doubt that even a top Ireland performance would have been good enough to beat a top French performance at the moment. That only leaves the game of the weekend and perhaps the best game the Six Nations has ever seen, Wales vs Scotland? It didn't stop from the first minute, both teams full of ambition and Scotland playing out of their skins to build a sizable lead. Right up until the last 10 minutes. What followed can not be portrayed properly through words, the only thing I can do is recommend in the strongest possible way that you find the highlights of this game and watch it! (BBC iPlayer will have it). One of the best 10 minutes of rugby I can ever remember watching and a prefect advert for the 6 Nations. Not so much a player of the week this week, more a team of the week and I'm going to give that to Wales and Scotland jointly, if you didn't see it then you really need to watch that game :)

Six Nations Week 3 Roundup
The third week of Six Nations produced a mixed bag of rugby. The highlight had to be the Wales vs France game on the Friday, France put themselves into a great position with a commanding lead in the first half but then seemed to completely relax in the second half. This gave Wales the chance to play themselves into the game, a chance they weren't shy in taking. It couldn't possibly happen again could it? When Shane Williams went over for only minutes to go I bet there were plenty of Welsh fans that believed it could happen! Alas France held on for a deserved win by kicking the ball straight out from the restart (a lesson their for Scotland maybe?). The second game saw Scotland play Italy. In a game that both teams see as their best chance for winning a game in the Six Nations this was always going to be a tight affair. Penalties were the order of the day with both side exchanging blows. It all game time to a frantic last few minutes in which Italy held on to secure a rare win in the Six Nations, the home crowd went nuts. To be fair to Italy their home form has been building and I don't think many people would have been too shocked to see them win. Scotland always have a chance at home against England to avoid the wooden spoon. Talking of England, another sack of old shite. By far the most boring game of the weekend as they played out a dull as dishwater, take no chances game, against Ireland. Ireland won the game 3 tries to one and even though they had limited chances they looked to run the ball and take each one. A complete contrast to the English "pass sideways" or punt it play. It'll be a good day when England finally wake up to the actually standard of rugby they are inflicting on their fans! When it comes to player of the week I'm going to give it to the Welsh wing Shane Williams, the little man was an inspiration again against the French.

Six Nations Week 4 Roundup
I'm going to keep this really short, I'm still gutted by the total lack of progress being made by England, not to mention the post match England camp spin machine spewing nonsense. England play the most unwatchable Rugby of any international team I've watched in the last 20 years. This wouldn't be so bad if they were playing effective Rugby, but as was proven against Scotland they are not. A 15-15 (no trys) score says more about that game than anything I ever could. Luckily fur us rugby fans we had the other 4 teams to provide some top class ENTERTAINING rugby. The Ireland Wales game was compelling to watch, for the second weekend in a row Ireland seemed to be happy to sit back and pick apart their opposition at just the right time. The speed at which they were able to score was impressive and they ran out well deserved winners over the Welsh. Wales did have a bit of an off day but even at their best I don't think they would have had the right answers to stop the Irish who if they would have had their kicking boots on would have won be even more. In the final game of the weekend on Sunday France destroyed Italy. Well that's how it started, but by mid way through the second half Italy woke up and and even managed to score a couple of well worked trys. Perhaps that had something to do with France experimenting with their subs but even so all credit must be given to Italy for never letting their heads go down. It was a 1000% more enjoyable watch than the Calcutta Cup game. Man of the weekend is big Lawrence Dallaglio for having the balls to speak his mind and express how disapointed he was, good on him.

Six Nations Week 5 Roundup
What a great end to the Six Nations Super Saturday was. I'll be honest here, I spent a large part of the day in the pub so some of the details are a little hazy, especially about the England game but I'll do my best to sum up what happened. The first game of the day saw Wales take on Italy. Italy true to form were rubbish away from home, they always are! It was kept fairly close for the first half but as soon as the second half started Wales just blew them away with some decisive finishing. Next up was the game of the day for me, Ireland vs Scotland. From the first minute I got the impression that the Irish were only there for a party, turn up, beat Scotland, celebrate last game at Croke Park? Somebody obviously forgot to tell Scotland the script and the team which has been really unlucky this Six Nations actually got the luck in the last few minutes and a much deserved victory. I have never seen so many upset Irish lads in one pub. Johnny Sextant in particular came in for a lot of stick from his own fans. Last and for once not least it was England vs France at the Stade de France. Hands up if you were fearing the worst? My hands up. I was expecting a kicking England game and not only a hammering but also a really dull game. It was a massive surprise but a very pleasant one. The changes Martin Johnson had made to the team worked wonders and England fans were treated to a great display of running rugby. It wasn't quite enough on the night to beat the French who fair play to them have been far and away the team of the tournament. A well deserved Grand Slam for France, no Triple Crown for the Irish and at last an English performance worthy of the name. A great day of rugby all around and a very sore head on the Sunday.


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